Celebrating our customers

Clearway has over a decade of experience delivering clean, reliable, and cost-effective power contracts to over 100 customers – including corporations, educational institutions, governments, and wholesale customers including investor-owned utilities, municipals, cooperatives, community choice aggregators and competitive retail providers.

Helping our customers achieve their goals


Clearway enables our customers to achieve their clean energy goals while working toward our own vision of a world powered by clean energy. Take a look at how we work with a few of our valued customers.

Who we work with


nationwide PPA customers


metric tons of CO2 avoided for our customers

5 GW

contracted with investor-owned utilities

1.3 GW

contracted with community choice aggregators

1.3 GW

contracted with municipal utilities, co-op, & retail providers

1 GW

contracted with corporate buyers

Delivering clean energy in California

Nick Chaset

CEO of East Bay Community Energy

Our customers are really excited by the opportunity to see new clean energy projects come online and feel like they are themselves contributing to the build out of California’s clean energy future.

Andrew Smith

Sr. Manager, Global Energy Management & Sustainability, Cisco

This project means a lot to Cisco. It is a huge part of our renewable energy strategy – it is helping to meet our renewable energy goal.

Renewable markets expertise

We leverage our strong presence across key regulated and deregulated markets in the U.S. where we have utility scale wind, solar, and battery storage projects, offering innovative solutions to meet our customers’ power and sustainability needs.

Where we work

Long-term customer relationships

As the long-term owners and operators of our clean energy fleet, Clearway strives to create enduring relationships with our customers, counterparties, and stakeholders for the life of the contract term.

Renewable power purchase agreements

Clearway works with our customers to determine the best contracting strategy to meet their goals including both Virtual and Physical PPAs.

Energy storage contracts

We are developing and constructing some of the largest hybrid and standalone storage projects in the country with customers seeking Resource Adequacy, resiliency, or a shift in the hours when renewable power is available to be delivered.

Interested in sourcing clean energy?

Contact us

We pride ourselves on delivering on our commitments and providing innovative solutions to help our customers meet and exceed their goals.

Contact us